Friday, September 21, 2012

Homecoming week

It's been awhile, SORRY! It's homecoming week at my school and the teachers always bombard us with a bunch of homework this week, so we aren't too distracted, plus so we aren't taking pictures all class hour. So being a senior ( SENIORS 13 WOOHOO) we get to have our own spirit days in contrast to what the school does. Now there was some drama concerning that. We were basically told if we did our own spirit days this week we would not be able to go to the Homecoming Dance. Long story short we rebelled, got a local newspaper involved, and ended up on the front page of it the next day, and were spoken about on the radio...So here's a little glimpse of what my week has consisted of.

Monday: CEOs and Office Hoes. 

Now I am no Hoe, I don't think I even know how to dress trashy (my motto in life is: Always classy, never trashy) so I went with a different approach. I dressed like the hot female boss that all the male employs can't help but eye, sexy, sophisticated not trashy.

Tuesday: 80s Workout

This photo is courtesy of the Huntley Voice...gosh I love this picture

Wednesday: Superhero

I was really sick the day before this, I had no time to plan and execute a nice outfit. I just dressed up really nice to hide from the fact I couldn't participate. I however don't have a picture of that outfit, I came home and just cracked down on all my homework, I should have taken a blow-off senior year.

Thursday: Huntley Hoedown

Girls take the HOE in hoedown to a new level on this day; they forgot the motto: Always classy, never trashy.

Friday: Senior Blackout

Every grade has a class color the freshman wear gray, the sophomores wear white, the juniors wear red, and the SENIORSSS wear black. A bunch of the seniors coordinated together to make senior shirts, but I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it. I wore black, but I kinda did my own thing.

I'm about to leave for tailgating and then the homecoming football game in a couple of hours (or minutes). I get to do interviews and be Oprah again like I was in the other post I made.

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