Saturday, June 28, 2014

Live, College Will Always Be There

Courtesy of Somewhere on Instagram
1.) My little sister is in 7th grade (according to her she's just an inbetweener and has no grade till August) and she's already stressing over college. No, I don’t like this. She has talked about wanting to go to a boarding school for high school, which I always thought stemmed from Zoey 101 reruns, turns out I was wrong. She made a list, it's actually sitting on the table in front of me, documenting reasons why. Her reasons:

* College Preparation
* Independent living

Now at first I was just shocked she was 12 and cares about independent living...weird. But then, I really thought about the first thing on that list, college preparation. She's not even wanting this experience to meet friends like Quinn and Chase, and do something crazy like make designer backpacks or a Banapple tree, but to prepare for college. Now it's great she has that kind of foresight, but also incredibly troubling and sad. 6 years before she even gets to college, 2 years before she's even in high school this is what she's worrying about. We make college this be all end all, and to me a 12 year old saying this, my sister writing this, just breaks my heart. There's a huge flaw in the system, she should be enjoying youth, not worrying about university before secondary school beings. 

2.) There's this huge 'Appblr' community on tumblr which I just discovered. Actually wish there was an active community around like this when I was applying, because it's pretty useful and informative. Anyway, someone a part of this community was talking about how he/she has a summer internship currently. They are in the summer before they're junior year. Again, great that you have the foresight to do something like that but, a bit troubling as well. I wasn't even 16 till the end of the summer before my junior year, internships were the last thing from my mind. And I’m glad, because 16 year old me didn’t know what she wanted to do enough to have an internship. I think it's great people are preparing for the future but so many kids are forgetting to live, to really live and have life. They just prepare. They just do what will help them get ahead, tomorrow. We’re not in tomorrow though, were here today. 

I brought a book for people to write in on the final day of high school. The College Guidance counselor I volunteered with throughout the school year said this, "Live in the present but with an eye towards the future. Be prepared for what's coming next, for there is always a next. However we don't know when our last next will arrive, so always be present, and live.” Just because there is a next doesn’t mean we stop being silly, and youthful now.

People need to stop preparing to live, and actually start living. 

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